Apart from best practices for a community centre one also needs to focus on key elements to address the needs in communities.
4 KEY ELEMENTS/COMPONENTS Every MPCC is different in providing appropriate information, facilities, resources, training and services to the community. The most important key elements/components that should exist in community centres will now be provided as these should serve as mechanisms to determine the focus of service delivery in relation to the needs of a community. With reference to the Government Communications and Information Service (GCIS), some of the key elements of the MPCC programme were identified in terms of the following (Government Communications and Information Services, 2001a): Political Neutrality: An MPCC must be a non-political community institution that brings services closer to the people. Physical Infrastructure: The community needs to use an existing accessible infrastructure as a site for providing services. If an under-utilised existing building (where potential for growth is available), the community should look at the possibility of using it as an MPCC site. In some areas, there are no appropriate buildings to be used as MPCCs, in which case, other options of providing prefabs, containers or mobile units need to be explored. ICT Infrastructure: In order to provide fast, efficient and effective services, there is a need to have appropriate Information and Communication Technology infrastructure at MPCCs. This will help people in rural areas to have access to technologies, thus enabling them to participate meaningfully in the global economy. Integrated Service Delivery: An MPCC is a place where people have access to information and services from various service providers. This may include government (Labour, Home Affairs, Welfare, Education and Agriculture) parastatals (e.g. Eskom, Telkom and DBSA), NGOs, CBOs as well as business and private sector. Information: Information from all sectors is critical in MPCCs. Government information, policies and plans should be communicated through this institution to communities. Sustainability Issues: There are many different types of centres termed MPCC in South Africa. For the purposes of the government initiative, MPCCs are defined as those centres that have at least six government departments offering services. Government services add value to other services that are offered by the NGO and Business sectors. An MPCC should also have access to technology in the form of an Information Technology Centre (ITC) such as a Tele-centre or other forms. Apart from these key elements as identified by Government Communications and Information Services (2001a:7), Berlyn (1997:4) determined that Multi-purpose Community Centres should be directed towards content. However, a MPCC can be made up of a mix of the list of collective contributory components that appear in the figure below. The actual mix depends on what the community wants and what it is possible and/or feasible to supply with the limited resources at hand. Figure 1: MPCC Collective Contributory Components (Adapted from Berlyn, 1997:4)
The direct contact services, which the individual community members can access in a MPCC without intervention of a third party, include telephone, fax and e-mail. The indirect contact services that might have to be rendered by or through a third party or "gateway" at an MPCC include electronic library, tele-education, tele-medicine, the Internet and Government online (Berlyn 1997:4). A survey was conducted and information where collected and analysed at the community centre in Itsoseng with regards to service provision based on the best practices, which were identified earlier by Whyte (1998:1).
5 METHODOLOGY The first step was to let the relevant organisations and stakeholders of the Ikageng MPCC know of this case study and even more importantly to have the buy-in of the community leadership and MPCC staff members of Itsoseng to conduct the case study. The organisations and relevant stakeholders that were contacted regarding the case study include the following list:
A single case, case study was used, because like Creswell states (1998:8) the real business of case study is to take a particular case and come to know it well, not particularly as to how it is different from others, but for what it is and what it does.
The case study researcher typically observes the characteristics of an individual unit - a child, a clique, a class, a school or a community. The purpose of such observation is to probe deeply and to analyse intensively the multifarious phenomena that constitute the life cycle of the unit with a view to establishing generalisations about the wider population to which that unit belongs (Cohen & Manion 1994:106). Whatever the problem or the approach, at the heart of every case study lays a method of observation. As a case study, it can be intrinsic because of its uniqueness or instrumental because of the stating of issues. Creswell (1998:118) states that a purposeful selection of participants represents a key decision point in a qualitative study. This could be regarded as important because it "permits logical generalisation and maximum application of information to other cases" (Creswell 1998:118). The participants in the case study consisted of the centre coordinator, staff members and users of the centre. Information and viewpoints from the community leader and his management team were needed as well as the Ikageng Multi-purpose Community staff members. Their inputs were needed in order to obtain as much detail and insight as possible on the Ikageng Multi-purpose Community Centre (MPCC) and the community at large. The data in this study was collected through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Three different sets of questionnaires were prepared and used during the survey process for the purpose of the case study in Itsoseng:
6 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Techniques employed in data collection were those typical in case studies. They included observation, semi-structured interviews, literature studies, open-ended questionnaire and personal experience. Observation is one of the earliest and most basic forms of research. Adler and Adler (1998:80) state that we make observations of the everyday world, which guide us in forging paths and interpreting actions and reactions of others. The nature of this observation is systematic and purposive. The Ikageng MPCC (figure 2) is located close to the taxi rank in Itsoseng. It is not visible from the taxi rank, but signboards (figure 3) display the details of the MPCC and the services they offer. The local post office is within walking distance from the centre and a retail shop is on the opposite side of the street where the MPCC is located.
Figure 2: Ikageng MPCC
Figure 3: Signboard at Taxi Rank
The MPCC is a brick building consisting of three rooms and a toilet and is hosted next to a medical doctor's practice. A reception area, office and training room exist at the centre. A computer network with network points and ducting are installed at the centre to give it a more professional look a like. The services they offer are displayed on their information board (figure 4) with some examples thereof. Furthermore the MPCC mission and vision statement are displayed on the notice board and community members used the photocopying and training facility during the visit.
Figure 4: Ikageng MPCC Services offered Display The observations and interviews done at the Ikageng MPCC in Itsoseng were conducted after a number of visits over a period of two and half years. A detailed training session dates are shown in Table 2 stating the minimum training and support requirements that were applied on the participants in the case study. Table 2: Ikageng MPCC Staff Training Sessions
Mason (1996:38) refers to semi-structured interviews as qualitative interviewing, which are characterised by the following:
Semi-structured interviews have the advantage that the interviewer is allowed to introduce new material into the discussion, which has not yet been thought of beforehand, but developed during the course of the interview (Hitchcock and Hughes 1989:79). The semi-structured interview approach was very beneficial as the element of flexibility allowed the interviewees to freely express their views. The purpose was not to get simple yes or no answers but descriptions of episodes, linkages and explanations (Stake 1995:65). Although different sets of questions were posed to the Ikageng Multi-purpose Community Centre (MPCC) management, staff members and users, the questionnaires focussed on the background, sustainability, ownership, linkages, services, finances and uses of the centre (best practices - cf 3). Questions to the Ikageng MPCC Coordinator and staff members include issues with regards to sustainability, ownership, linkages, services and finances. Questions to the Ikageng MPCC users include the opinion of the users on the centre (for example; "do you think the centre is useful to the community?") Open-ended questions were chosen as they permit free response from the subject and allow greater freedom of expression and a wider range of responses (Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh 1990:411). As the researcher was interested in whether the management and staff of the Ikageng MPCC initiative has motivation, stability and direction in terms of the operations, the open-ended questions were preferred. The open-ended questions were put to the Ikageng MPCC Management to have more information on the needs and perspectives of the leaders of the community in Itsoseng. A second set of questionnaires was given to the Ikageng MPCC management to complete as part of the case study. Important data collection instruments were personal experience with regard to ICT-equipped rural community centres (Conradie & Jacobs 2003:30-33; Conradie, Morris & Jacobs, 2003:199-217) and a literature study review. The case study research method was complemented by qualitative analysis during this study as Babie (1992:6) defines this term as "the non-numerical examination and interpretation of observations, for the purpose of discovering underlying meanings and patterns of relationships". According to Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh (1990:449) data collection and data analysis take place simultaneously. From the outset of the first interview or observation, the qualitative researcher is reflecting on the meaning of what has been heard and seen. This process of data analysis is inductive as it proceeds from data to hypotheses to theory (Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh 1990:450). They (1990:451) further state that it involves working with data, organising it, breaking it into manageable units, synthesising it, searching for patterns, discovering what is important and what is to be learned, and deciding what to tell others. This study has therefore involved all the above-mentioned processes in order to make a qualitative analysis of the findings. The research data obtained through the interview process, site visits and questionnaires used in conducting the survey in the Itsoseng Community, but more specifically the Ikageng Multi-Purpose Community Centre. However, it is important to be reminded of the best practices (cf 3) indicated in the previous section identify a framework that defines the characteristics regarding case studies for community centres. Therefore, the questionnaires sets used during the case study in the Itsoseng Community was researched and developed within the framework of the best practices as discussed earlier.
7 RESEARCH FINDINGS According to the community leader, a retired human resource manager and resident in Itsoseng since 1970, the idea of establishing an Information Technology Centre in Itsoseng originated in February 1999. The idea was developed with the CSIR lead consortium and a proposal was born out of the discussions, which led to the establishment of the Ikageng Multi-Purpose Community Centre in the Itsoseng community. The Ikageng Multi-purpose Community Centre (MPCC) initiative was started in June 2001 by a consortium of parastatals and private sector companies in conjunction with the Itsoseng Community. The consortium consisted of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Human Science Research Council (HSRC), Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Renewable Energy Africa (REA) and later the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) funded by the former Department Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (DACST). According to the community leader, the Ikageng Multi-purpose Community Centre (MPCC) started operating on the 1 st July 2001 from Itsoseng Butchery Building in Zone 2 extension with the two managers from Itsoseng Mpepu Community Project (IMCOP), six selected youths who received prior training on Microsoft Office, Microsoft Publisher and Business skill training by the consortium. The consortium provided the Ikageng MPCC with Information and Communication Technologies, various other peripheral hardware and stationery to start the centre. Members of the Itsoseng Mpepu Community Project (IMCOP) who also raised funds to support the project organised initial office furniture. The Ikageng MPCC in support of this new initiative in the Itsoseng community received a further donation from a large cement company. During a number of visits by the research team during 2003, the Ikageng Management were interviewed on general issues concerning the current and future existence of the Ikageng Multi-purpose Community Centre. During the discussion session the leadership pointed out a number of stumbling blocks for the successful existence of the Centre. The results obtained from these interviews, questionnaires and discussions were used as inputs to develop an ICT-Hub Model (cf 8) for rural communities.
Results obtained from the Ikageng MPCC Coordinator(s) The first set of questionnaires, addressing the services provided, financial issues, management structures, linkages and sustainability issues of the centre were researched, developed and constructed to assist the researcher in the information gathering process with the centre coordinators or management committee. These questionnaires were constructed to comply with the research framework in terms of defining the best practice (cf 3) characteristics regarding case studies of community centres. (a) Services Provided: The services provided by the Ikageng MPCC is one of the framework characteristics identified in section three (cf 3). The following section (cf 8.1) indicates the importance of the services that this centre must fulfil to satisfy the customers needs. Questions were ask to the Ikageng MPCC Coordinators regarding the services of the centre in order to establish the profile of the clients using the services and not the detail concerning specific services. The feedback from the questionnaires indicates that the Ikageng MPCC provides affordable good quality work within the reach of the residents they serve in the Itsoseng Community. The Centre either provides in or facilitates in the needs of the local community in which they are located. The clients that use the services of the centre, have an average education level of standard six and an average income in the region of R300 per month. (b) Financial Issues: The next framework characteristics identified (cf 3) includes the financial issues regarding a Community Centre and the following section (cf 8.10 and 8.12) outlines a business model which defines the income generating potential of a centre. From the questions concerning the financial issues of the Ikageng MPCC, indicated that most of the funding is generated currently from internal funds (organisations within the community of Itsoseng) and not raised from donations or other funding sources outside the community. The coordinators felt that they will continue raising funds this way for as long as the centre exists. At the time of the survey, the bank balance of the Ikageng MPCC was R1 700. The Ikageng MPCC future plans concerning the fundraising include donations and financial support of companies in the area as well Government. At the time of the survey, a business plan exists and was available. To enable the centre to improve their current income, they need to expand and grow their current services offered to the community, their customers. (c) Management Structure/Ownership: The management structure and ownership plays a vital role in determining the success of a centre or initiative as highlighted by the best practice characteristics (cf 3) of a community centre. Therefore the centre coordinator (cf 8 .7) plays an anchoring role for the centre with regards to the responsibility for the day-to-day management of an ICT-Hub, which applies to the Ikageng MPCC as well. The reporting structure lies with the same two persons for management and financial decisions in the Ikageng MPCC, one person from the Ikageng MPCC staff members and one from the Ikageng management board. According to the Ikageng Centre Manager, the perception of the community of the centre is very good and supportive. The Centre gets support from various leaders and institutions in the area (e.g. Post Office, Police Station Department of Welfare, Minister of Religion, etc.). Currently the Ikageng MPCC have six staff members running the centre on a daily basis, with skills ranging from managerial to computer related, to provide in the needs of the community. Some of the skills gaps or shortages that were identified by the centre management are (1) N+, (2) Windows Network Infrastructure Administration, (3) Windows Server and (4) Windows Directory Service Administration. According to the management these areas of improvement will help the centre considerably with the expansion of the range of current services to the community and grow their revenue stream. (d) Linkages: The literature study (Benjamin, 1998; Whyte, 1998; Jensen & Esterhuysen, 2001) also indicated that linkages with or from other MPCC in the area is an indication that centres communicate with each other on matters of common interest, which could bring lots of far reaching spin-offs for the participating centres. Therefore the ICT-Hub model (cf 8.3) revealed the importance of establishing the communication systems in an ICT-Hub and other community centre initiatives. At the time of the survey the Ikageng MPCC had no relationship with other MPCCs in the area, as they where the only true Multi-Purpose Community Centre in the Itsoseng area. The Centre uses mostly the media as a source of referrals according to the centre management. (e) Sustainability: One of the main characteristics or most probably one of the most important best practices identified of any centre or initiative is sustainability (cf 3). Therefore the operational components and business model (cf 8.10 and 8.12) of an ICT-Hub is based on defining the income generating potential of the main operational components (cf 8.10) in order to achieve sustainability. The estimated monthly budget of the Ikageng MPCC is R4 800. This income needs to be generated internally from their own earnings through the services the Centre provide to the community. The figures include no donor funding. The Ikageng MPCC services are used not by a specific group of people but by all age groups, sex, youth and occupation from the Itsoseng Community. The average number of people that visit the Centre per day over a period of a week is estimated at a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 50 per day. Results obtained from the Ikageng MPCC staff The second set of questionnaires was directed towards the Ikageng MPCC staff members to gain insight on operational issues as perceived by the centre staff. The specific operational issues included the centres uses and users, local stakeholders, organisation, facilities and equipment, languages used in the centre, location of the centre, funding of the centre, problems experienced and needs. (a) Centre Uses: From the three respondents of the Ikageng MPCC staff members two have indicated that one of the main uses is as a (1) resource centre and all three have indicated that the other main uses for the centre is (2) copying documents, (3) computer centre, (4) training and education. This information assisted in the identification of the key services that an ICT-Hub must offer to a rural community (cf 8.1). (b) Centre Users: The ICT-Hub model goes further by identifying the potential target groups (cf 8.1) in the area and matching them to the services they require. The feedback from the three respondents indicated that the Ikageng MPCC is servicing four target groups in the Itsoseng Community. These target groups and the number they serve per group is captured in the following table:
Table 3: Ikageng MPCC User Groups
(c) Local Stakeholders: Of the three respondents, two indicated churches/religious bodies and educational groups as the important local stakeholders of the Ikageng MPCC. The third respondent did not indicate any stakeholders.
(d) Organisation: The management structure and ownership was identified as important in determining the success of a centre or initiative (cf 3). The ICT-Hub model (cf 8.7) indicated that the centre coordinator plays an anchoring role regarding responsibility for the day-to-day management of an ICT-Hub. Therefore the decision taken by the stakeholders was to establish a Close Corporation for the Ikageng MPCC. This allows the Centre to operate as a legal entity and open new business opportunities for them.
(e) Facilities and Equipment: The literature study revealed that appropriate information and communication technologies infrastructure at a centre, supports fast, efficient and effective services (Jensen & Esterhuysen, 2001; Conradie, Morris & Jacobs, 2003). However, study indicated that the Ikageng MPCC have access to telephone lines at the Centre to enable them to provide the Tele-centre component services such as e-mail, phoning and faxing to their clients as discussed identified by the ICT-Hub model (cf 8.2 and 8.10). Table 4 summarises the facilities and equipment available at the Ikageng MPCC in Itsoseng. An additional Unix FreeBSD intranet server is installed on the Ikageng MPCC network providing services such as web, mail, ftp and DHCP servers. A detailed description, including serial numbers, quantity, specifications and delivery dates of the various infrastructures such as office equipment, information and communication technologies, stationery kits, application software and books and training networks were obtained during the research.
Table 4 : Ikageng MPCC Facilities and Equipment
(f) Languages Used: Communication is a very important ingredient in any business or operation to achieve success. Therefore it is of importance for the staff members of the Ikageng MPCC to understand the languages their customers use. The results from the survey indicated that four languages are used in the Centre, namely Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana and English. The two most used languages in the Centre are Setswana first and English second. All the staff members' home language is Setswana, except for one staff member whose home language is English.
(g) Location of the Centre: The location of a community centre is another contributing component towards the success of such an initiative (Berlyn, 1997; Jensen & Esterhuysen, 2001; Conradie & Jacobs, 2003). Therefore the best location for an ICT-Hub (cf 8.11) is also highlighted as critical for success. However, passing traffic is very important for the viability of such a community centre as the Ikageng MPCC. The survey indicated through questionnaires and observations, that the Ikageng MPCC is located next to a taxi rank, 3 minutes walk from a clinic and 4 minutes walk from the nearest school. Further more the Centre is located in a large residential area with a number of working camps located within 4 minutes walk from the Centre according to the feedback received from the staff members.
(h) Funding of the Centre: Financial sustainability of the Ikageng MPCC is crucial for their continuous existence of the Centre and is well supported by the literature study conducted during this research project (Doczi, 2000; Proenza et al , 2001; Jensen & Esterhuysen, 2001; Conradie, Morris & Jacobs, 2003). Therefore the purpose of the ICT-Hub is to use the operational components (cf 8.2) and the business model (cf 8.10) to define the income generating potential of the services in the main components of the model. Only two of the Ikageng MPCC staff members responded to this section of the questionnaire on the financial sustainability of the Centre. Asking the question how much money was required to setup the centre and how they raised it; both responded R10 000 of donor funds is needed to setup a centre of such nature as the Ikageng MPCC. This indicates that they rely on donor funds to equip and kick-start the centre and that they are not really familiar with the cost associated in establishing the infrastructure of this Centre. During the interview process with the management of the Ikageng MPCC, it was indicated that they are not generating sufficient funds by themselves, and were reliant on external donors. However, the Ikageng MPCC is successful to a degree, although they have not yet found a way of guaranteeing their own financial sustainability.
(i) Problems Experienced: The feedback from the questionnaires indicated that the Ikageng Multi-purpose Community Centre experience two main problems, namely suitable premises and funding. Therefore, the issue of permanent suitable premises is dealt with in terms of the requirements for the best location for an MPCC or ICT-Hub (cf 8.11) in this model. Secondly, the centre experience problems in terms of funding capital and working capital expenses and more importantly the registration with ISETT SETA. Therefore, sustainability (cf 8.2 and cf 8.10) of the Centre will be boosted with the accreditation of the Ikageng MPCC with ISETT SETA regarding the training services they offer. The Centre will definitely boost the generation of funds as explained in terms of the income generating components (cf 8.10), more specifically the training component.
(j) Needs: The survey identified the current needs of the centre with regards to training and advice as continuous improvement of qualified training officers (cf 8.9) and secondly the need to start sales of stationery in the area. Last but not the least, a need was identified for equipment such as a digital duplicator, request for funds and permanent facilities for the centre.
Results obtained from the Ikageng MPCC Users questionnaires A third source of information obtained during the survey was the users of the Ikageng MPCC that have completed the questionnaires to provide feedback on their view on the perception of the services and support that the centre itself provides to them and the community at large. The result of this questionnaire was aimed to reflect whether the users of the Ikageng MPCC could afford the services, the perception of the community regarding the Centre and the estimated number of people who use the Centre according to the users. Questionnaires where placed at the centre and completed by voluntary users. The completed questionnaires have been sent back to the research team. (a) Community Perception of the Centre: The first question that the community members that visit the centre have to answer during the survey was related to the community perception of the centre as well as the reasons why. A large portion of the respondents (approximately 40%), indicated that the Ikageng MPCC is " very good and needed by the Itsoseng Community" with reasons for motivation such as:
The second largest portion (approximately 14%) replied that the Ikageng MPCC is " essential and needed by the Itsoseng Community " and all respondents' reasons were a "wide range of services are rendered by the Centre" . However, 13% of the respondents indicated that the Centre is "important for the Itsoseng Community" with the motivating response are "they don't have to go far for such services provided by the Centre" . Another 13% of the respondents have the perception that the Centre is very important for "education support" and the reasons mostly are because "they educate and give us computer related training and information". The rest of the responses were reasons such as "technology development, create jobs for the youth and information centre." These statements were motivated with reasons such as "information centre and different services available." (b) Number of People using the Centre: The community members using the Ikageng MPCC where asked a second question related to the number of people using the Centre and the reasons therefore. The feedback from the survey indicate that the perception of the community users of the Centre is that between twenty to a thousand people use the Centre on a weekly basis and between fifty-two and four thousand five hundred people per month. The survey further revealed that the perception of the type of services used by the community members are for example photocopying, typing of cv's and assignments, computer lessons, internet services and funeral programmes. Therefore, the Ikageng MPCC use three of the four identified operational components of the ICT-Hub Model (cf 8.10) for generating income. (c) Factors for Success and Failure: All the respondents think that the Ikageng MPCC is a success. None have indicated that the Centre is a failure. Reasons given for the success of the Centre are:
One respondent said: "If it wasn't successful it could have been closed long time ago"
However, the feedback indicated that the users of the Centre realise that the equipment is expensive and fulfil their current information and communication needs. (d) What Users like about the Centre: The objective of any business or intervention is to understand what the users of the services offered like and don't like. This will enable the Centre to stay focused towards customer's real needs and not perceived needs. Listed below, is feedback from the Ikageng MPCC users regarding the things they like about the Centre?
The following responses were received during the survey regarding the things that the users of the Centre do not like at the Ikageng MPCC:
(e) Afford to pay for services: The feedback indicated that the customers could afford to pay for the services. Most said that the prices are very reasonable with only one respondent saying that the business cards are too expensive.
8 THE ICT-HUB MODEL From the previous sections, the purpose of this study indicated the need for a model to implement successfully information and communication technologies in rural communities (a technology centre in the rural communities). The Ikageng Multi-Purpose Community Centre (MPCC) in Itsoseng as a case study supported the need for a sustainable information and communication technologies (ICT) model for integrated service delivery to rural communities. The focus of the research project is initially through training, to equip and empower the Ikageng MPCC members in the Itsoseng community, to build up the necessary computer and business skills to be able to integrate the use of computers into learning and business opportunities. Therefore the purpose of this research was to develop such a model supporting effective service delivery by a community centre equipped with ICT, with the best practices identified (cf 3) used as framework for the development of this model. This section addresses the issues regarding the effective utilisation of ICT in community centres, starting with the identification of the key services (cf 8.1 ) required by the community. Then group the various services into key operational components (cf 8.2) for the centre. After establishing the service needs of the community, the infrastructure needs (cf 8.3) and infrastructure components can be identified based on the service needs. This model takes it one step further by determining application needs (cf 8.4) and content (cf 8.4) for the applications identified. This model identifies tele-medicine and distance education as an application need. Human resources are needed to enable community centres to provide information and communication technology services to the community. Therefore this model addresses the human resource identification and capacity building (cf 8.7) activities along with the career path identification and development (cf 8.9) for the centre staff members to equip them with the necessary skills to provide an effective service delivery to the community at large. Once the infrastructure (technology), training (HR capacity), content (information) and customers (community) needs are identified, the best location can then be identified (cf 8 .11) to support the drive towards sustainability (cf 8.12) for the community centre. In South Africa and abroad, community service centres are playing a major role in educating and disseminating information to a spread of communities whether rural, peri-urban or urban. Historically, community centres have been meeting places for youth, pensioners and many other community activities organised in community halls, clinics and schools (Gómez & Hunt, 1999). Therefore, community centres serve a variety of needs to the community as well as meeting points. However, the importance of the role that telecommunication plays in facilitating the activities and extending access to information to the community service centres, illustrated by various studies (Whyte, 1998; Jensen & Esterhuysen, 2001; Conradie, Morris & Jacobs, 2003), show that centres that are linked to other centres have greater access to a wider range of information (e.g. health, agriculture, tourism and education). Considering the above stated information; the ICT-Hub therefore provides a structure that enables communities to manage their own development, by providing access to appropriate information, facilities, resources, training and services. However, in order to describe the ICT-Hub, is it important to formulate a definition of an ICT-Hub as summarised by the researcher:
The focus of the ICT-Hub will therefore be on addressing the problems related to ICT in a community. Some of these problems are listed below (Benjamin, 1998; Gómez & Hunt, 1999; Jensen & Esterhuysen, 2001; Conradie, Morris & Jacobs, 2003):
These are some of the problems experienced in communities where ICT could play a major role in the economic growth of an area. The ICT-Hub Model aims to address most these issues by identifying services and functions needed by communities. Needs in every community differ and therefore the functions and services will differ from community to community. This ICT-Hub model is developed from a practical implementation point of view. There are various guidelines and manuals available (Fuchs, 1998; Murray, 1998 & 1999; Universal Service Agency, 1998 & 1999; Jensen & Esterhuysen, 2001), regarding Community Centres, as reference for planning the set-up of a centre. But the ICT-Hub focus on a logic flow of events in order to assist a project manager with the planning and implementation of such a centre(s) based on previous experience and research. Proper planning of the various aspects of the ICT-Hub before hand, as discussed in this section, before embarking on the process of creating expectations in a particular community regarding their perceived needs and expectations. The implementation of an ICT-Hub must be seen as a process to empower and grow a community to its full potential by identifying and utilising the local resources to achieve the community common goal and vision, and not a once off event of technology dump and go. The ICT-Hub can serve as information and communication learning centre for farmers, students, professionals, and entrepreneurs, NGOs, community leaders and other members of the community, including disabled people. Although it is advisable for an ICT-Hub to develop an initial focus, it is more than likely that the ICT-Hub expands as the focus area may change or broaden. It is important not to try and accommodate every need or interest of the community at first, but to leave room to respond once usage patterns emerge and active participant needs can be identified. The ICT-Hub solution is based on existing Tele-centres or Multi-Purpose Community Centres, and therefore an existing Tele-centre or Multi-Purpose Community Centre can be transformed into an ICT-Hub where the focus will be more on ICT for the community it serves.
8.1. Identify Key Services or Functions An important starting point to set-up an ICT-Hub is to identify and list the key functions and services that this centre must be able to fulfil. Therefore, provide in the needs of the targeted customers (community). A functional requirement or analysis of such a centre should be compiled. In order to determine the type of services that are needed by the community, is it important to identify the potential Target Groups (e.g. schools, youth, farmers, women groups, etc.) in the area and match them to the services they require. The ICT-Hub is likely to focus on a few priority sectors at first and then expand its focus as it develops. A good centre manager (Coordinator) will always have his or her finger on the pulse of the community and be looking out for new target groups or activities that require the ICT-Hub services. Jensen and Esterhuysen (2001) explore the range of potential services that MPCCs or an ICT-Hub could offer in their Tele-Centre Cookbook. Some of these services are telephone calls, e-mail and Internet access, word processing, desktop publishing, computer use, education and training, binding, laminating, etc. The information on the services that such a centre must deliver to their customers, determine the equipment requirements to offering these services. Once the services are identified for a specific community centre, the services can be group into key operational components for a Centre.
8.2. Identify Key Operational Components The defined key services and functions of an ICT-Hub can be use to identify the operational components in order to create an operational model for the ICT-Hub to be deployed. Each of the operational components of the ICT-Hub has specific service groups under an operational component. Therefore, each major component provides a range of services to the community at a fee. Identifying the service needs and operational components, will assist in determining the centre infrastructure and human resource requirements in order to operate the ICT-Hub sustainable and create job opportunities within the community it serves. A summary of the types of services within each component are given below: Tele-centre Services (Telecommunication and Internet services):
DTP Services (Desk top publishing designing and copying services):
Training Services (Various types of training):
Business Support Services (Providing professional business support services):
After key components one will also have to identify infrastructure needs. 8.3. Identify Infrastructure Needs (Technology) Since the operational components of the ICT-Hub are established, the necessary physical infrastructure can be determined by analysing the service needs of the community. The start-up costs of an ICT-Hub in terms of computer, telephone, other hardware equipment and capital investments should be minimised. It is not always necessary to purchase new equipment for the start-up of an ICT-Hub, although it would be ideal (Jensen and Esterhuysen, 2001). In this section only the basic infrastructure or technology needs are discussed, since Jensen and Esterhuysen have compiled a more complete list in their Cookbook for Tele-centres (2001). Hardware and Equipment: An ICT-Hub can make use of second-hand telephone systems, photocopiers, computers, printers and furniture from various organisations. However, new computer equipment will be the ideal in order to reduce the support during the implementation phase of an ICT-Hub. Regardless of whether new or second hand equipment is used initially, it is important to develop a good working relationship with a reliable supplier of computer equipment and software.
Software Needs: There will always be new software on the market making the appropriate software selection process difficult. Therefore the ICT-Hub will make use of commercial office application suites for example Microsoft Office for word-processing, spreadsheets, etc.
Stationery and Supplies: The basic supplies are essential for an ICT-Hub (a more detail list was used during the research). Therefore, for every equipment in use, there must be stock available in the ICT-Hub to prevent the interruption of the services (for example an laminator must have enough laminating pouches in stock to serve the community needs when needed).
Furniture: When introducing an ICT-Hub in a rural community, is it important to budget for the furniture needs of the ICT-Hub and not rely on using redundant furniture in the community. However, plan the furniture needs for equipment needed in the ICT-Hub to comply with the needs of the community (e.g. computer desks, chairs, cabinets and reception desk) bear in mind the reception area, computer area, office area and meeting rooms that might be required. The ICT-Hub is in the community for the community. Therefore to fulfil the furniture needs of the centre, make use of local carpenters to provide the necessary infrastructure for the ICT-Hub where possible.
8.4. Identify Application Needs The ICT-Hub needs to identify application needs that will contribute towards the growth and development of the community and develop these needs in conjunction with the relevant institution. Some of these needs are captured and explained in the following table: Table 4: Application Needs for an ICT-Hub
8.5. Identify Content Needs After identifying the relevant applications according to the needs of the community, the relevant content needs to be researched, created or populated to support the selected applications in conjunction with the relevant content providers or institutions in the field of interest of the community. Some of these content needs are explained in the following table: Table 5: Content Needs for an ICT-Hub
8.6. Identify Monitor and Evaluation Criteria A continuous monitoring and evaluation action is recommended when implementing an ICT-Hub in order to measure the strengths and the areas of improvement of such a centre as well as gathering information to be disseminated through publications. The monitor and evaluation process should take the best practice characteristics identified into consideration when reporting on the progress status of such an ICT-Hub in a community.
8.7. Identify Human Resource Capacity ICT-Hub Personnel Profiles: Different types of skills are needed to run an ICT-Hub effectively. The skills are based on three functions, which were derived from the key components identified, namely: (1) Business support, (2) Content creation and (3) Technical support. Each position is suited to a different personality profile. The personnel identified for training and implementation, need to conform to the following general profiles: Table 6: Personnel Profiles
ICT-Hub Personnel Functions: The following figure summaries some of the functions that personnel have to fulfil in the ICT-Hub. Therefore the importance of personnel to fit the ICT-Hub personnel profiles.
Figure 5: ICT-Hub Personnel Functions
ICT-Hub Centre Co-ordinator Profile: Finding a good Co-ordinator is probably the most important factor to ensure that the ICT-Hub achieves its goals. The Co-ordinator takes responsibility for the day-to-day management of the ICT-Hub. He or she is usually somebody from the community, somebody who is liked and respected, somebody who understands the community and can create the kind of atmosphere in the ICT-Hub, which will make it an important asset to the community. A good Co-ordinator will have a vision that incorporates his or her community and also expands beyond the community and even beyond the country. A good Co-ordinator needs to develop a sense of the value of networking, and the value of sharing information across boundaries and borders. The Co-ordinator must account to the Management Committee of the ICT-Hub, but it is essential that they work as a team, with the Management Committee playing a hands-on role in providing the overall direction for the ICT-Hub and for the Co-ordinator. An ICT-Hub can collapse very quickly if the Co-ordinator does not have the right qualities for the job. ICT-Hub Centre Coordinator Functions: Surely not all of the Co-ordinator's tasks will be the same for every ICT-Hub. However, there are certain essential functions like managing the day-to-day operations that a Co-ordinator will have to perform for an ICT-Hub. However, Jensen and Esterhuysen discuss the role of the Centre Coordinator in detail in the Cookbook for Tele-Centres (2001:71,72).
8.8. Identify Stakeholders and Influencing Factors The ultimate success of an ICT-Hub is determined by the stakeholders of a community centre and influencing factors beyond the control of the various individuals that have taken ownership of the initiative. In order to reduce these risks, is it important to take the identified best practices (cf 3) into consideration along with the individual's political environment or factors they operate in. Therefore, the importance of getting to know the role players within the targeted community before the research and development of an information and communication technology centre in a rural area can take place as new influencing factors will arise during the process.
8.9. Identify Training Programme (Train-the-Trainer) Training and Support Needs: The main objective is to establish a sustainable information and communication technology resource centre in a community. The focus will be on the ICT-Hub operations and business principles. Therefore the broad training objectives are as follows:
The minimum training and support procedures for participants are given, based on the following considerations:
Training and Support Minimum Requirements: The ICT-Hub model make use of members of a specific rural community, some of the candidates selected to participate in the establishment of the centre may have no prior computer experience. Therefore the importance in the selection of the training content and training approach of the community members to turn their weaknesses into strengths for the benefit of the community at large. The following table summarise the recommend minimum training and support requirements to establish an ICT-Hub: Table 7: Training and Support Minimum Requirements
ICT-Hub Personnel Career Path : The table below illustrates the personnel career development path to equip ICT-Hub staff members to provide efficient services to the community. The purpose of this illustrated path is to ensure maximum usage of the technology in the ICT-Hub to assist with the economic growth of the area it serves. Table 8: ICT-Hub Personnel Career Path
All participants have to understand the operational model of which they will take ownership to provide a service to the community through this ICT-Hub model as a resource to the community at large.
ICT-Hub Personnel Training Agenda: Training forms are a vital component when equipping the human resources of an ICT-Hub with the relevant skills to enable them to serve the needs of the community at large. Therefore the training approach must be carefully considered and compiled as well as the duration and time span from start to end. Conduct the training first before creating a technology thread with the candidates. However, there is a fine line with regards to technology dump versus technology push in a community. This training model proposed a week of intensive training and three weeks of skill absorption and practice by the personnel of the ICT-Hub before the next week of intensive training took place. However, the proposed period of establishing the ICT-Hub is twelve to eighteen months at least, within the first six months most of the intensive training must be completed to equip the personnel with the relevant operational competencies to operate towards a sustainable ICT-Hub in the community. The table below is a summary of a proposed training agenda over an eighteen-month period divided into a six-month period and a twelve-month period: Table 9: ICT-Hub Training Agenda
A detailed training agenda needs to be determined with the community stakeholders before any activity can commence. A summary of activities for the establishment of the ICT-Hub is captured in the table below: Table 10: ICT-Hub Summary of Activities
8.10. Identify Management Model The operational and business model is based on defining the income-generating potential of the main operational components of an ICT-Hub. The main operational components of an ICT-Hub are (1) Tele-centre Components, (2) Desk Top Publishing Components, (3) Training Components and (4) Business Support Components; with all services provided within these components have an income generating potential. The income generating components can be illustrated graphically in the figure below:
Figure 6: ICT-hub income generating components
8.11. Identify Best Location for an ICT-Hub It is a costly exercise to research, design and build ICT-Hub premises from scratch in a rural community. Therefore ideally the community should provide premises for the ICT-Hub rent-free and maintenance free. If this not possible, an organisation(s) in the community might be able to provide the space or pay the rent as part of their contribution to the ICT-Hub, at least until it becomes viable. There is the possibility to renovate a recycled shipping container; this can serve as adequate premises. Alternatively, an existing building can be transformed into an ICT-Hub. The costs of upgrading premises will vary from site to site. In some cases only the addition of a security system and paint will be required. The installation of electricity supply and a telecommunications link will be needed. In some buildings the roof will need to be fixed and an insulated ceiling installed. Insulated ceilings and/or air-conditioning is recommended to reduce the heating/cooling power consumption and to reduce the amount of dust. As with all services aimed at the public, experience has shown that the right location is at the top of the list of key ingredients for the success of an ICT-Hub. A ICT-Hub that is far away in a side street, or hidden away in a location, will have to work very hard to make itself known to the community and is unlikely to attract any passing traffic. Therefore passing traffic is very important for the viability of the ICT-Hub. Sustainability hinges on an ICT-Hub's visibility and accessibility to as many users as possible in the area it is located. Where highly visible premises is not available for the establishment of an ICT-Hub, marketing plans should take this into account, and relationships with other organisations in the community will be especially important. An ICT-Hub can operate in almost any space that is available and affordable for the community, provided it has electricity (ESKOM or Renewable), a telephone connection and is reasonably secure. The number of rooms is determined by the various services the ICT-Hub needs to provide to the community. The preference would be separate rooms rather than one large room. If there is a choice of premises, look for space that is large enough to accommodate the expansion of the computer network and other small business activities.
8.12. Sustainability of the ICT-Hub The operational components and business model is based on defining the income-generating potential of the main operational components of for example, an ICT-Hub. Each major component provides a range of services to the community at a fee. The typical transaction value of the components of service delivery follows an exponential increase from R1 through to R500 as illustrated in figure 6. The low-cost, high volume business found in the first two components (Tele-centre and DTP) can create the fundamental cash flow needed to support the higher-level activities (Training and Business support). These elements have been combined with anticipated volumes of transactions to arrive at the target income and other aspects of the business plan, to analyse the potential for the ICT-Hub to support itself as a self-sustaining business. The ICT-Hub also reduces the digital divide. The sustainability of the ICT-Hub will largely be determined by the increase in the number of members or users of the facility. Therefore the centre needs to be managed within the framework of a sustainable business plan. 9 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The motivation behind this study was to develop and investigate a mechanism to successfully implement information and communication technologies in a new or existing community centre of South Africa to contribute towards integrated service delivery mechanisms for rural and peri-urban communities. An ICT Hub is a physical centre with the necessary infrastructure to provide generic services like tele-centres, desktop publishing, business support, training and information to the community. The main purpose of the concept is to utilise existing government initiatives as far as possible to create self-sustainable centres by removing the burden on scarce resources . This model complies with all the requirements of the characteristics of a good model (Olivier, 2004:49), which are: Simplicity: Miller's rule states that humans can only have seven (give or take two) concepts in short term memory at a time. A simple model makes it possible to comprehend the essence of the modelled concept as is evident in the concept of ICT provision to rural communities. Comprehensive: Models often systematically address all (or most) aspects of a problem. This can be done because the model prevents you from getting lost in the detail of the actual problem. The more aspects of a problem the model covers, the better. All aspects of the problem of ICT provision to rural communities are addressed in the model. Generality: The more variations of a problem the model addresses the better. The model addresses all related issues of any MPCC/Community Centre (technology, business, training, communications and desktop publishing). Exactness: If the model closely fits the perceived problem it is more likely to be accepted. For example the model addresses the problem experienced in the case study. Clarity: The purpose of all components or facets of the model, the operation or use of each facet, and the interaction of flow between components should be evident. In particular one should guard against ambiguity. The proposed model does indicate the flow and importance of each facet and its sustainability. Therefore this proposed model, as developed by the researcher, can be used or applied in any rural community to address and assist with the provision of ICT and integrated services. It appears from the study that more research needs to be done regarding Governance of these Community Centres to develop processes and templates to improve the quality of the business results of an ICT-Hub and therefore improve sustainability. REFERENCES Adler, P.A. & Adler, P. (1998). Observational techniques . 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