International Journal of Education and Development using ICT   International Journal of Education and Development using ICT
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Journal Links

Online and Distance Learning

The Online and Distance Learning web site is useful to students interested in learning by distance and to teachers interested in teaching by distance. It is a resource for students wanting to obtain online education, e.g. online degrees in education, business, health, and other areas, plus online graduate programs in various areas. It also seeks to show how new ICTs - open educational resources (OER), open source, Web 2.0, blogs, wikis, social networking, social bookmarking and other social software - can be used for online education (e-learning).
Details at:


Distance Learning in Developing Countries

The Distance Learning in Developing Countries site is partly the forerunner to the "Online and Distance Learning" web site. It is intended for anyone who is involved or interested in distance learning in developing countries. It seeks to show how new ICTs can be used for online education (e-learning) and can enable collaborative teaching. It is also a resource for students wanting to obtain online education, providing advice on a range of programmes, and even includes details of how students can obtain free online courses.
Details at:


Colleges and Careers

This site is for anyone trying to make a decision about a job or educational training. It provides valuable, relevant, and up-to-date information on accredited programs, degrees, schools, colleges, and universities to help readers meet career and professional goals. Information is available on certificate, diploma, and degree programs.
Details at:


About e-Learning

This site is a resource for college and university instructors, teachers, trainers, students, instructional designers, or multimedia and e-learning developers. It provides comprehensive information viewed from theoretical and practical perspectives, including books, e-books, software resources, tools, mobile learning technologies (m-learning resources), to information on careers and jobs.
Details at:



Communication, Education and Development using ICT (CEDICT) is blog about individual and community development using new information and communication technologies, especially e-learning, open educational resources, open source, Web2.0, blogs, wikis, social networking, social bookmarking and other social software.
Details at:



Intute is a free online service that helps you to find the best web resources for your studies and research. With millions of resources available on the Internet, it can be difficult to find useful material. Intute subject specialists review and evaluate thousands of resources to help you choose the key websites in your subject. Intute is created by a consortium of seven UK universities, working together with a whole host of partners.
Details at:


The Fourth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF4) - papers online

'Achieving Development Goals: Innovation, Learning, Collaboration and Foundations' was the theme of the fourth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF4), that took place in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, October 30-November 3, 2006. The papers presented at the Forum are freely available at:


Special Report – Online Education: What Can it Deliver?

This online Special Report will explore the way educational resources available via the Internet offer some of today's most cutting-edge applications of cyberspace, yet e-learning has not always lived up to its promise for the developing world. In this report:

  • What can we expect online education to really deliver in the developing world now—and for the future?
  • Interviews with policy-makers, educators, and the public and private sectors;
  • Links to key documents that provide the contemporary landscape for e-learning;
  • A unique section devoted to the 'voices' of over 200 Development Gateway members surveyed in developing countries about the use of online education on the ground.

Read the Special Report at:


Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities with ICT

This encyclopedia is an important reference source on all topics related to the emerging field of information and communication technology (ICT) and its role on developing regional communities. It was published in August 2005 by Idea Group Reference and is available at:
Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities with Information and Communication Technology.

For more on this, I recommend reading:
Closing the Digital Divide: Transforming Regional Economies and Communities with Information Technology; and,
Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions.


Journal of Community Informatics (JOCI)

This open access e-journal aims to bring together a global range of academics, practitioners and national and multi-lateral policy makers who are involved in the study and the practice of enabling communities with Information and Communications Technologies. The journal can be accessed at:


Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development

This open access journal is an international, scholarly, independently and anonymously peer-reviewed, research-based, e-journal focused on the intersections and interstices among and between learning, evaluation, innovation and development. The journal is available at:


International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

The purpose of this refereed, interactive, online journal is to contribute and disseminate to practitioners and scholars worldwide scholarly knowledge in each of three areas: theory, research, and best practice in open and distance learning. Further details at:


Campus-Wide Information Systems

CWIS (The International Journal of Technology on Campus) is an international refereed journal that provides comprehensive and independent coverage on the management, use and integration of information resources and educational technologies on campus. Further details at:


APEID discussion forum on ICT in Teacher Training

The Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (APEID), which is coordinated by UNESCO, has recently launched an interactive discussion forum on ICT in Teacher Training. The purpose of this e-forum is to enhance the level of cooperation between teachers, teacher trainers and facilitators through interactive discussion and mutual exchange of ideas and resources on the effective integration of ICT in teaching and learning.

The e-forum provides a platform for sharing news and opinions about recent developments on ICT in Teacher Training with other experts or professionals. Members are furthermore encouraged to contribute their papers, presentations, training guidelines or similar material to all participants. Teachers may post lesson plans, subject presentations, mind maps etc. for use in the classroom with other teachers. Further details at: .php?id=2891


International Conference on Information Technology in Regional Areas

ITiRA was an annual (1999-2003) international conference that explored strategies that link ICT enhanced economic, social and cultural development efforts with emerging opportunities in such areas as electronic commerce, community and civic networks, telecentres, electronic democracy, on-line participation, self-help and virtual health communities, advocacy, cultural enhancement and others. Further details at:

with Online Proceedings of years 2002 and 2003 at:



INRULED is a UNESCO level 2 Centre based in China with a focus on Rural Education for Development. INRULED's goal is to achieve social-economic development in the rural areas by bringing about positive changes in the thinking and behaviour of rural people, who make up the majority of the world's population especially that of the developing countries so as to achieve the goals of Education for All. The website can be accessed at:


The Communication Initiative

The Communication Initiative is a partnership of development organisations seeking to support advances in the effectiveness and scale of communication interventions for positive international development. It can be accessed at:


Organisations sponsoring IJEDICT:

The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre, West Indies

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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1814-0556