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Online Submissions
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Author Guidelines
General Information about Content
Please note: There are no fees for publishing in IJEDICT.
Only papers that are uploaded using the online submission system of JEDICT will be considered. Please do not send papers as email attachments to the Editors as these will not be opened.
Please note: Submitted articles should not have been published elsewhere, and should not be under consideration by another journal. (Articles that are submitted to two journals simultaneously can often result in the authors being banned from publishing in either journal.)
Before uploading a paper for consideration for publication in IJEDICT, please check that the content is relevant by reading other articles in IJEDICT. We strongly recommend that you start by doing a search through IJEDICT for articles that are relevent to your field and then using, referring to, and even quoting these in developing your article for the IJEDICT readership.
Please ensure that your article does not contain work taken from other sources without the appropriate acknowledgements. All articles will be checked for originality using "Turnitin".
Submissions are invited for several sections in this journal. Refereed research articles should be between 3,500 and 8000 words in length. Project descriptions for the "Project Sheets" section should be between 500-1500 words in length. Descriptive articles and case studies for the "From the Field" section should be 2500-5000 words in length. Research-in-progress, reviews, reports, notes and other submissions can be any length (within reason). Submissions can be in Microsoft Word .doc, Rich Text Format (RTF), or equivalent Open Source document file format.
You can check the progress of your submission in the "Track" section of your Author page on the IJEDICT website.
General Formatting Information
Do not use Microsoft Word "styles" - instead use the simple formatting "bold" or "italic".
Please use Arial 12-point black font for the Title, which should be in bold case and NOT all in CAPITALS.
Use Arial 10-point black font for the remainder of your article.
Use single spacing throughout. Use for a space between paragraphs (do not use Word style to give the space).
Do not indent first line of paragraph.
First level headings should be in bold upper case, and second level headings in bold upper and lower case.
No endnotes please - instead use footnotes.
Photographs, maps, diagrams and other audio-visual aids are encouraged. Please include these in the text where and as they should appear. Please provide images in gif or jpeg formats.
Also - check to see that your article "looks like" others in IJEDICT in terms of format before submitting.
Submissions that fail to meet the guidelines will be rejected.
Authors' Names
Please provide all the authors' names in their correct order on the article. Also, please ensure that ALL author's names are included in the metadata when you upload your article. Note that after adding the first author you will need to add the title of the article before adding extra authors. Do not leave the page until all authors have been added. Additional names CANNOT be added later.
Please provide an abstract of approximately 150-200 words. The abstract should be included with the rest of your article in the submission file, but it should also be copied into the appropriate text box during the on-line submission process.
Please supply a short (100 word) biography for each author. This should include the name, rank, institution, institutional address, and email address. Do not place the biography in your submission file but copy it into the appropriate text box during the on-line submission process.
Submitted manuscripts must be written in the Harvard editorial style, brief details of which are included below:
References should relate only to material cited within the manuscript and be listed in alphabetical order, including the author's name, complete title of the cited work, title of the source, volume, issue, year of publication, and pages cited. See the following examples:
Marshall, S. 1991. "A genre-based approach to the teaching of report-writing". English for Specific Purposes, vol. 10, no.1, pp. 3-13.
Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. 2002. "Collaboration: the Key to Establishing Community Networks in Regional Australia", Informing Science, vol. 5, pp. 155-162.
Marshall, S., Taylor, W., & Yu, X. (eds.) 2003. Closing the Digital Divide: Transforming Regional Economies and Communities with Information Technology, Greenwood Publishing, Westport CT.
Citations in the text should include the author's name and year of publication where you use the source in the text, as in the following examples:
In this way, information technology can be seen to effect and influence changes in organisational structure (Orlikowski & Robey 1991).
Edwards (1995, p.250) views the globalising of distance education as "invested with the uniform cultural messages of modernity - of mastery, progress and moral superiority through the development of reason".
Globalisation, especially in relation to open and distance education, will reduce the tolerance of difference and so "how can local issues and contexts be addressed?" (Evans 1995, p.314).
Further information about the Harvard editorial style can be found at:
Submission Preparation Checklist (All items required)
• | The submission has not been previously published nor is it being considered by another journal.
| • | The submission file is in Microsoft Word or Open Source document file format.
| • | I have read the "Author Guidelines" and understand that if the manuscript does not follow those guidelines, it will be rejected.
Some of these guidelines are shown in the following text.
| • | The title is Arial 12-point bold font (not all in CAPITALS). The rest of the text uses Arial 10-point font.
All text is single-spaced; does NOT use underlining; uses simple formatting such as "bold" (i.e., does NOT use Microsoft Word "styles"); uses the "Return" key to create spaces between paragraphs (i.e., does NOT use the Microsoft Word paragraph spacing facility).
Figures and tables are placed within the text (NOT at the end).
| • | A 150-200 word abstract has been prepared and included in the manuscript as well as placed separately in the appropriate text box at the time of upload of metadata.
| • | A 100 word biography of the author has been prepared but NOT included in the manuscript (the biography will be submitted separately with the other metadata).
| • | The text is written in the Harvard editorial style.
| • | All the authors' names in their correct order have been included in the article.
| • | In the next stage of the submission process I will ensure that the names of all authors have been added in the metadata, before proceeding to the next stage. I understand that these cannot be added afterwards. The names are all in normal case - not all in CAPITALS.
| • | I understand that the article will be submitted to Turnitin, and that if it is found to contain the unreferenced work of others, it will be rejected immediately.
| • | I understand that I can check the progress of my submission in the "Track" section of my Author page on the IJEDICT website.
Copyright Notice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. It may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that the original author is credited.
Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. |