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 International Journal of Education and Development using ICT > Vol. 17, No. 2 (2021) open journal systems 

Instructors’ Perspectives, Motivational Factors and Competence on the Use of E-Learning System in A Tanzanian University

Mustapha Almas, Mzumbe University
Haruni J Machumu, Mzumbe University
Chang Zhu, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The adoption, deployment, and implementation of e-learning systems in higher learning institutions in Tanzania receive notable recognition as innovative, efficient and effective teaching and learning platforms. This study investigated instructors’ perspectives, motivational factors, and competence in the use of an e-learning system at Mzumbe University in Tanzania. A quantitative research design was used with a survey questionnaire to collect data from forty-two instructors at the Mzumbe University. The results indicate that the instructors had positive perspectives on the use of the e-learning system. The results further show that the Mzumbe University e-learning system is mainly used for the provision of teaching notes, assessments and feedback, course outlines, and for grading students’ work online. The findings also show various instructors’ motives for their engagement in e-learning: beliefs in the power of e-learning, personal interests, nature of the course, and technological convenience in using e-learning systems to enhance students’ learning. Moreover, findings reveal that instructors had average competence in designing and implementing e-based teaching and learning activities. The study enlightens e-learning champions, e-learning instructors, and higher learning institutions aspiring to implement e-learning systems, as well as provides guidelines related to the use of e-learning systems. The study findings will be useful for those interested in improving the use of the e-learning system in higher learning institutions in Tanzania.

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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1814-0556