International Journal of Education and Development using ICT   International Journal of Education and Development using ICT
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 EDICT Home > Archives > Vol. 19, No. 2 (2023) open journal systems 

Reflections on Student Satisfaction and the Readiness of Educators for Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning p

 front pages for this issue  
 Cover Pages Vol 19, Issue 2, 2023  PDF
  Denise B. Gaspard-Richards

 Editorial: IJEDICT Vol 19, Issue 2  PDF
  Denise B. Gaspard-Richards

 refereed articles  
 Are You Enjoying it - “Online Learning”? Enjoyment of Study, Study Engagement, Learning Performance, and Informal Learning  PDF
  Simon C.H. Chan

 Challenges of Students and the Mediating Effect of Acceptance, Interactivity and LMS on Integration of Technology  PDF

 Assessing the Proficiency level in Digital Competences of Secondary School Science Teachers   PDF
  Ayodele Abosede Ogegbo

 In-service teachers' readiness to adopt technology-enhanced pedagogy in a Sub-Saharan country  PDF
  Alfred Buluma, Michael Walimbwa, Julius Shopi Mbulankende and Nancy Rosemary Nabiryo

 Usability Testing of a Mobile-based Learning Management System for Teacher Continuous Professional Development in Tanzania  PDF
  Aron W Kondoro, Salome Maro, Joel Mtebe, Björn Haßler and Jamie Proctor

 The Role of Reflective Practice during Emergency Online Teaching: Experiences from a Computer Science Course  PDF
  Tulimevava Kaunapawa Mufeti

 Are Conferences Changing?  PDF
  Tony Carr

 from the field  
 Students’ Perception Towards Online Teaching and Learning: A Study of Universities in Rural Areas  PDF
  Sushil Chauhan

 Postgraduate students’ use of mobile phones as a supporting tool for learning at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania  PDF
  Nicholaus Mwalukasa

 First-order barriers still matter in teachers’ use of technology: An Exploratory study of multi-stakeholder perspectives of technology integration barriers  PDF
  Emmanuel Ayisi Abedi and Francis R Ackah-Jnr

 Modeling Technology-Enhanced Instruction to Pre-Service Teachers: Reflection on Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic  PDF
  Lisa C Facey-Shaw and Granville W Pitter

 research in progress  
 Pragmatic monitoring of learning recession using log data of learning management systems and machine learning techniques  PDF
  Khamisi Kalegele

 notes from the field  
 Strengthening Extension and Advisory Services Delivery through Village Knowledge Centre in Rungwe District, Tanzania: Lessons Learned from InnovAfrica Project  PDF
  Athman Kyaruzi Ahmad , Camilius A Sanga, Kenneth M. Mapunda, Dismas Lyegendili Mwaseba and Ruth Haug

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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1814-0556