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 International Journal of Education and Development using ICT > Vol. 8, No. 1 (2012) open journal systems 

Implementing e-learning in the Jordanian Higher Education System: Factors Affecting Impact

Ahmad samed Al-Adwan, Information Technology Management
Jo. K. Smedley, knowledge management and learning using technology

The increased involvement of technology in all aspects of our lives places educational institutions under pressure to include these aspects at the heart of their learning services. These are additional pressures in ensuring that they continue to be competitive in a constantly changing market. This study explores the factors that influenced the development of learning through technology approaches and implementation at a Jordanian university, focusing on full-time staff and students. It investigates the general attitude towards engaging in learning through technology. The outcomes demonstrate that further training and development is required prior to implementation to adequately support the learning transition with the organisational infrastructure presenting the greatest barrier to such developments. Informed by the outcomes of the study, a training and development programme has been designed to support the cultural change and increase the impact of implementation.

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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1814-0556