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 International Journal of Education and Development using ICT > Vol. 11, No. 2 (2015) open journal systems 

Interactive-GIS-Tutor (IGIST) integration: Creating a digital space gateway within a textbook-bound South African Geography class

Elfrieda M-L Fleischmann, Cedar College of Education, South Africa
Christo Petrus Van der Westhuizen, North West Univeristy (NWU), South Africa
Dirk Cilliers, North West University (NWU), South Africa

Currently there is a global drive among political and educational institutions to implement geographic information system (GIS) practice in secondary schools. However, Geography teachers worldwide, including in South Africa, face significant practical challenges in this regard. Lack of curriculum aligned GIS resources, funds and teacher GIS pedagogical knowledge have been documented as key GIS practice integration challenges. Evidently, GIS development and GIS curriculum incorporation have outpaced GIS educational research. This article documents the development and tentative assessment of a GIS plug-and-play tutor application in South Africa. The Interactive GIS Tutor (IGIST) aims to create a gateway towards GIS practice, so that learning can move from textbook-oriented learning to exploring the globe through GIS software, procedures and applications. Results found within this case study indicate that IGIST is a feasible option, and fosters a positive GIS attitude among learners and teachers. Future IGIST recommendations include multiple languages and more exploratory activities.

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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1814-0556