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 International Journal of Education and Development using ICT > Vol. 13, No. 2 (2017) open journal systems 

Influence of selected factors on the implementation of information and communication technology policy in public secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-county, Kenya

Francis Ngugi Njoroge, Laikipia University
Margaret Ngugi, Laikipia University
Joab Malea Kinzi, Laikipia University

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of selected factors on implementation of Information and Communication Technology in public secondary schools in Naivasha sub-county, Kenya. The study investigated whether the ICT infrastructural cost, schools visions, and teachers ICT skills hinder effective implementation of ICT policy in schools. The researcher adopted ex post facto research design whereby data was collected using a questionnaire for 32 Head teachers of public secondary schools and structured interview for the Quality Assurance and Standard Officers (QASO) from the Sub-county Educations office, Naivasha Sub-county. The population targeted in this study was all the Head Teachers of public secondary schools in Naivasha Sub-County. The Nominal scale data was analyzed through frequency counts and percentages while hypotheses were tested using simple regression statistic at α=0.05 level of significance. The data was interpreted and findings were highlighted. Factors related to schools visions on ICT policy have the highest negative impact on implementation of ICT policy compared to selected factors related to cost of ICT infrastructure and teachers skills in ICT. These findings imply that implementation of ICT policy in school depends on schools vision on ICT; where school strategic plan has clear vision and strategy of implementing ICT rather than the cost of ICT infrastructure or teachers skills in ICT. Suggested further research area in ICT implementation is, the Head teachers attitude toward implementation of ICT policy, and the influence of teachers age factor and implementation of ICT policy.

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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1814-0556