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 International Journal of Education and Development using ICT > Vol. 16, No. 2 (2020) open journal systems 

The Utility of the UTAUT: An Application to Mobile Learning Adoption in the Caribbean

Troy Devon Thomas, University of Guyana, Guyana
Lenandlar Singh, University of Guyana, Guyana
Dwayne Renville, University of Guyana, Guyana

This paper focuses on the usefulness of the UTAUT model in explaining behavioural intention to adopt mobile learning in the Caribbean. It employs confirmatory factor analysis with robust maximum likelihood estimation, to evaluate the measures, comparability of the measures and to compare the means of the factors between five university-territory combinations. It estimates a full structural equations model to evaluate the UTAUT relationships with an added effect of facilitating conditions on behavioural intention and it finds little support for effects of effort expectancy and social factors on behavioural intention in the region. However, the impacts of performance expectancy and effort expectancy on behavioural intention are similar across the region. With the UTAUT model underperforming in the region, there is a need for further research to strengthen measurement of the factors and to improve the explained variance by determining measures that are relevant to the regions and which can be included in a modified model.

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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1814-0556